The existence of a supreme being is an issue that till the end of
time will keep generating an unending controversy among different races
and people. Though I’ve got no intention to delve into that, I can only
advise that it’s smarter to live and assume that a God exists somewhere,
so as not to die and shockingly discover that He truly does. And if
perhaps he truly doesn’t exist, shouldn’t your gentle soul just rest in
peace like family, friends, and enemies repeatedly prayed, while you
speechlessly watch from another world.
Those of us who agree and confess to believe in the existence of God
also acknowledge that He’s so loving, caring, and perfect; reason that
He’s made provision for all that man needs to govern over the entire
planet earth amongst other reasons.
Though some are too religious to ever nurse the thought that God
created pain, but before you rebuke me or the devil that isnt anywhere
in me, think about those critical times, when you or someone dear to you
went through pains and excruciating experiences that doesn’t match the
traditional belief of a good and loving God, though we don’t ventilate
it. We just want to think that probably He must have goofed in this
area. If not. Why did God create pain? What was the pain mechanism
suppose to achieve? This has been my major source of headache from time
and I think the quest to know and understand might just be a lifelong
Great philosophers have posed questions like ‘why hadn’t God designed
a nervous system that protect us without the unpleasant aspect of pain.
So many conflicting believes even amongst people of faith. Some are of
the opinion that man must have stepped out of God’s will and that God
uses circumstances to bring us back to normalcy.
The reason why we cherish pleasure is because of the reality of pain.
So from a perspective, pain is essential to normal life. Although to
one suffering from cancer and the miserable pain of chemotherapy, pain
to such is far greater than misery. But to anyone with a reasonable
health, pain is a communicator that protects.
Ok let’s take the oldest recorded and the most dreaded disease,
Hansen’s disease-(leprosy) for instance. It’s the only one I can think
of for now and it’s vital for this discuss. Leprosy is a disease of the
nervous system. The bacteria practically attacks the pain cells of the
skin, peripheral nerves in the hands, feets, and mucous membranes of the
nose, throat, and eyes to numbness.
If we fear disease because of the pain and misery it brings, then
what is so horrible about diseases that cost no pain? A woman whose
infant was suffering from “congenital indifference” told a horrifying
story of how she heard her child cooing and laughing loud all alone as
if she’s discovered something new. Only for her to amazingly discover
that her daughter had bitten off the tip of her fingers with her newly
grown four teeth and was playing in the blood, making patterns with the
drips. Could pain be created as a quality that saves us from
We have at certain points made God lesser than he is over the issue of pain and suffering ignoring that even man has brought more pain to man. Many of the things we derive satisfaction from we don’t complain or lament over. Things such as our ability to perceive, eat and drink, pleasure derived from scratching when the skin itches and also the wild fire pleasure of orgasm.
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