Great treasures of the earth look unappealing, ugly and insignificant in their novel state. Besides that, they require so much strength, time, purification and refining before they look any useful or beautiful to behold. In fact they lodge in places where you least expect. Or how do you explain that petrol that fuels our cars resides thousands of feet beneath the earth surface as crude oil, same as gold and other ornamental stones. Think of it, even the chips of the computer you are currently starring at came from sand particles.
The best of the world’s treasure remains the human mind. As teeth in the gum of a baby, and words in the ink of a writer, so are treasures in the depth of obscurity and shapelessness. But like other ornamental treasures, they will remain as worthless as used toilet pad, until well refined and polished. The best way to take full advantage of the mind is to stretch it with dreams that are under every circumstance bigger than the mind itself. The realities of today were the dreams of yesterday. That our leaders never dreamt of a better Nigeria is the reason why we can’t but keep wallowing in the anguish of poverty.
Many world achievers, who have succeeded in one area or the other, only do, at the extensive use of their imaginative minds to see things before they literally happen. That you believe or not doesn’t change the fact that so much wealth and abundance dwells on your inside, neither does all the unpleasant occurrences that beclouds you like rain change the reality that you were born with great treasures.
It matters less if you have been nicked named “good for nothing” or referred to as a child born out of the sexual recklessness of two adolescents. “You are as useless as the left hand” might be the words that flow into your ear repeatedly like heavy current of water. Never allow these words get deep rotted into either your conscious or sub-consciousness. Little do they know that without the seemingly useless left hand, stability of the body can’t be attained.
No matter who said it or regardless the number of times the false message has been said, the truth is that such people are liars and they stand a chance of winning a Nobel Prize for lying. But if you proof them right by giving audience to those empty words, it’s your fault and your fault alone. No one can comprehend the worth of greatness that others carry; after all, they weren’t involved in the creation process that brought about either your existence or theirs.
People who make you feel unimportant should be avoided like a plague. When you uncontrollably find yourself amidst such people, you are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that such words don’t filter into your mind, as no one can ever slap you with your own hand without your approval.
Little children are consumed with the dream of a bright future; it shows when they stage the mum and dad play, when they drive in imaginary choice cars using the mouth to make sounds from the engine. The usual saying of a kid that includes ‘when I grow up I will do this, when I will grow up I will become that is evident of the assurance of a bright future. But as adult, we get drowned with the challenges of the present, that we dream no more.
It’s worth noting, that every word we ever spoke got into our mind through our ears so do the things we gravely crave for gets into our life through our minds. Everything might be expensive but dreaming is cheap, affordable and in fact its priceless. When pictures of the future are altered imagination and possibility becomes eroded. No one can use your imagination against you, except you permit, principally because things are created twice first in our imagination, and then in reality.
Imagination is everything. Albert Einstein calls it is a preview of life’s attraction. Abundance is a mindset, likewise lack and abject poverty. The ability to write ones success story before it arrives is the real work of life and not the hustling we engage in only to discover that we’ve been chasing nothing but the air. No day last forever. So in times of obscurity and hopelessness say to yourself “this too shall pass”.
Success comes before work in no other place but the dictionary. All dreams and no work will definitely make jack a frustrated dreamer, how enjoyable would it be if day dreaming alone will bring all our desires into fruition? But like the old adage says, “If wishes were horses, even beggars will ride. A lazy hand makes a man poor but diligence brings abundance of wealth. The idea that one day soon, the long awaited money bag will drop on our roofs like raindrop is gradually killing our ability to stretch ourselves to work diligently.