In time past, things have gone into extinction, certainly, in a short time many of the things present today will be regarded as history, in facts, like the case of the dinosaurs’ only pictures and books will be the evidence that such ever existed. But in this world and most likely in the one to come if there is any, writing will ever be relevant. This world I only know little of, and you may want to quickly query how I ever got the hint that there would be another? Books told me. Yes they did.
Reflexively I have made mention of the word “books” twice. Simply because of their eternal value to man’s intellectual well being.
The two common forms of communication remains the oral and written form. The oral form provides the opportunity of listening to the speaker; in which the speaker has the privilege of harnessing the use of both verbal and non verbal communication which includes gesticulation and facial expression.
We have heard and read of great speeches made by remarkable leaders. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address and the immortal words of Martin Luther king jnr. are great examples. Even these great orators write and rewrite their address. In fact, the reason that Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was written on the back of a used envelop is why we in the present age have the ample opportunity to a document that has become an American myth.
I can only come to the affirmation that written thought don’t die, and that alone self explain the relevance of writing now and even in future. In recent times, we have seen the importance of writing as a tool for socio- economic growth and an ever powerful apparatus for making yesterday look as real as today.
Though our reading habit may dwindle as each day passes, writing will ever remain a relevant source of preserving information and historic event.
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Reflexively I have made mention of the word “books” twice. Simply because of their eternal value to man’s intellectual well being.
The two common forms of communication remains the oral and written form. The oral form provides the opportunity of listening to the speaker; in which the speaker has the privilege of harnessing the use of both verbal and non verbal communication which includes gesticulation and facial expression.
We have heard and read of great speeches made by remarkable leaders. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address and the immortal words of Martin Luther king jnr. are great examples. Even these great orators write and rewrite their address. In fact, the reason that Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was written on the back of a used envelop is why we in the present age have the ample opportunity to a document that has become an American myth.
I can only come to the affirmation that written thought don’t die, and that alone self explain the relevance of writing now and even in future. In recent times, we have seen the importance of writing as a tool for socio- economic growth and an ever powerful apparatus for making yesterday look as real as today.
Though our reading habit may dwindle as each day passes, writing will ever remain a relevant source of preserving information and historic event.